Tuesday, November 9, 2010

So Glad Typing Doesn't Require Major Muscle Movement

I started the 30 Day Shred yesterday. And can I just say? Oh. My.

I first heard about the Shred last year on pretty much every blog I've ever read. (Okay, slight exaggeration. But only just.) I was intrigued, but thought there was no way I would stick with it. Are you kidding me? These people all sounded like they were going to die. I did not want to order the DVD just to have it sit on the shelf with my 10+ other DVDs that I never, ever use. So I read about it and that was all.

Well, fast forward to this past weekend. I was playing around with our cable guide thingy (I'm a technical girl, don'tchaknow?) and I stumbled across an exercise channel. And the best thing about it was that I could pick the workouts and do them whenever it was convenient for me! Seriously? Yay!

Side note: Please remember that we just returned to the states after living in Germany for 7 years. Our television entertainment came from AFN, and while they now have 1000% more channels than they did when we first arrived, it is not the same as "real" American TV. The things that TVs can do these days are freakin' amazing!

As I flipped through all the exercise videos available, I ran across the Shred. What? Really?! Oh, I gots to see that! And so I watched it.

Now, this is just Phase One. I know it gets more difficult. I do, and am appropriately nervous about Phases Two and Three. But I really thought that the exercises would start off at some insane level of competency and then just get worse from there. It's not like that, though! The exercises themselves are very simple and straightforward; you just have to move like a mad person to get them all done. And I guess that is kind of the point, right?

I made it through the workout. I had to do a kind of shuffle-jog in a couple of the cardio parts and I discovered that I really can't do butt-kicks right now, but I did it. And it felt really good.

Until this morning. Owwwwwwwwwwwww.

But I'll be doing my second day at naptime today. Yay me!

Have you done the Shred? What workout program do you like the most?

1 comment:

  1. Ours is in the "On Demand" thing. I've heard a lot of people complain about it but it's pretty neat after seven years of AFN! ;)



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